Top tips to help you protect yourself from fraud calls and messages

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First off, always think twice before picking up any fraud call or responding to any text from an unidentified number or unknown area code.

Be alert whenever you get a call from an unknown number or a number that’s marked as spam And if you think you’ve fallen victim to a scam, you can get help by contacting your cyber police Helpline or local police station. 

Here are some guidelines you should adhere to when you get such calls or text messages.


Never accept any payment requests for making an instant transaction

The fraud caller might ask you to approve some payment requests that are sent to your phone via text, a link, or any kind of online payment app. Do not agree to that, especially if the caller claims to be standing by while you are on the call or online.

Never click on a link sent over SMS/email

You might receive spam SMSes or emails asking you to click on a link that claims you have won a prize in a competition or a lottery when you didn’t even enrol for or take part in it. Block the sender of these SMS/emails right away and avoid clicking the links that are provided.

Never download or install an app/file while on call

Some scammers may demand that you download an app or a file to your mobile device while claiming that there is a problem with any of your details. While on a call, avoid downloading any of these types of files or apps to your smartphone.

Never share your phone screen using a software or web link they send you

Sending screen-sharing links via SMS or any other method is another way for spam callers to see the baking details or passwords you enter on your phone and in some cases, even get control of your device remotely. Therefore, never share your phone screen with these callers and do not click on the web links they send you.

Never reveal your UPI PIN, UPI ID, or any bank details over the phone

Do not share your UPI PIN, UPI ID, bank details or any other personal information to anyone on the call. If shared, it may result in fraudulent activity on your bank account and most probably, loss of your precious money.

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Never fill in an online form on fake web pages, even if it looks legitimate

Fraudsters frequently design fake web pages with logos and designs that resemble your bank or app and appear familiar or genuine to target people. Do not fill out such forms.

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