Srinagar: A two-day workshop ‘Scholarly Writing, Reference Management and Deterring Plagiarism’ began at the University of Kashmir on Wednesday. It has been organized by Allama Iqbal Library.
Dean, Academic Affairs, Prof Mohammad Ashraf Wani inaugurated the national-level workshop. “To undertake innovative and path-breaking research, it is important that a researcher, apart from having an interdisciplinary approach, must also different theories, assumptions and laws propounded about his subject,” he said.
Maintaining that purpose of research is to generate knowledge that would bring a new fact to light or make a new interpretation of already-known facts, Prof Wani added: “Research is not merely a narration of facts but their interpretation and one has to make an addition to the existing knowledge to make the research more meaningful.”
In his welcome address, KU’s Chief Librarian Dr AM Baba said the main purpose of the workshop is to make scholars’ community aware of recent tools and techniques in research methodology, information on anti-plagiarism software and reference management. Referring to some ‘‘mistakes’’ made by scholars during the course of their research, Dr Baba said: “It has been observed that scholars commit many mistakes because of lack of proper orientation on research methodology.”
Assistant Librarian M. Ishaq Lone conducted proceedings of the inaugural session while Assistant Librarian, Shiekh M. Imran presented vote of thanks.