“RAMADAN” Month of blessings, Guidance & Giving!

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May Allah (swt) save us from outbreak of pandemic as a blessing of Ramadan (Aameen)

Every month has its own value and importance, As we know there are 12 months in the Islamic calendar which starts with the month of Moharram ul Haraam and it begins  and ends with the  appearance of new moon. When there comes the month of Ramadan, Which is the month of Allah it is the most holy month in which Allah bestows his grace and the gates of paradise are opened, the gates of Hell are locked. Ramadan is the ninth month of Islamic calendar, which is one of the greatest blessings of Allah (swt) upon the Ummah of prophet (peace be upon him and his family).

In the holy Quran it is stated that Ramadan is the month in which Quran was sent down as a guide to mankind, and also Clear Signs for guidance and judgment between legal and illegal (2:185). The Holy Prophet said Ramadan is the month, whose beginning is mercy its middle is, forgiveness and its end, emancipation from the fire of Hell.

Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. There is also a verse in the Quran that prescribes fasting for all Muslims who are mature and healthy enough to fast for the full day from dawn to sunset. So Muslims fast as an act of worship, surely which is the best opportunity to get closer to Allah (swt) and a way to become more compassionate.  Almighty Allah divides the Holy month of Ramadan into three stages that’s known as Ashra of Ramadan, First part Reflects Mercy of Allah (Rehmat). Second Part Reflects Forgiveness of Allah (Maghfiraht). And the third part Reflects Safety from the Hell (Najat). Without shadow of doubt the month of Ramadan is full of blessings, mercy and forgiveness. Surely It is one of the best opportunity for all the Muslims around the globe to achieve more and more blessings of Allah and pray for forgiveness and to be saved from the Hell.

Holy Quran was revealed on Laylat al Qadr (Nights of Decree)  the night is better than the thousands of nights. It is believed to have occurred one of the odd- numbered nights during the last ten days of month. Laylat al Qadr is considered the holiest night of the year. It is also believed that Laylatul al Qadr was the twenty third night of Blessed month. Aside from the common practice it is recommended to remain vigil all night long on the night of 23rd of Ramadan. Recite Quran as much as possible , make Duas and ask for repentance from Allah (swt) from this night. Death, calamities, sustenance and destiny is decreed on this night as well as all the events that will take place from this day up until next Shab-e-Qadr. Therefore, blessed is he who spends this night only in worship of Allah.

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) Said “O people! The month of Allah (swt) has come with his mercies and blessings. This is the month that is the best of all months.  Its days are better than all other days, its nights are better than all of other nights, and its hours are the best of hours. Every breath is taken as the reward of tasbih, sleep is like worship.  Without shadow of doubt a person who couldn’t receive the mercy and benevolence ‘of Allah (swt) during this pious month is most unfortunate.

Literally saying we only know Ramadan by this definition that it is the month of Fasting. The person fasting must remember that the aim is not simply to remain hungry. He should be engrossed in the remembrance of almighty so as to attain severance from fictitious and materialistic desires. When we abstain from the worldly materialistic needs and desires, it allows us to bond with Allah (swt) much more easily.  Fasting during the holy month doesn’t mean refraining only from food, drinks, and smoking etc. Imam Jaffar Said (a.s) is reported to have said that if you are fasting then your eyes, ears, hands, feet etc should all observe fast. You should abstain from all that is Harram and all that is unpleasant. You should refrain from lies and abuse, never look at which is Harram, and abstain from arguments and fights. You should not be jealous or backbite and should not swear truthfully and untruthfully. While fasting you should be busy in saying your Tasbih and be shameful about your sins and should be sorry for all the wrong that you have done.

Although Muslims fast during other times of the year as well, But Ramadan is the only month which follows a great deal of excitement awaiting the announcement of the sighting of the moon as people rush to buy various foods to prepare sehar (closing of the fast) and iftaar (opening of the fast). When the moon sighted, people try to meet each other but this time the trend must be changed due to outbreak of pandemic, verily that is need of hour, we must try to contact each other via phonically, social media and other different means of communication by saying Ramadan Mubarak and sharing happiness as well. We must strictly avoid all gatherings and stop roaming here and there unnecessary surely, It would be far better to spend the home quarantine into quality time by reading religious books and  interesting as well. And other important activities of home by helping mothers,sisters, wives, surely Allah swt will reward for this beautiful act.

There is flexibility within the religion as there are exemptions from fasting such as when people have long term illness, old age, and women who are pregnant or breast feeding. People who can’t fast are expected to make up for their fast at a later date however if a person illness is chronic then they have to pay or provide for a needy person.  And the most important thing in this pious month is that at least we can feel the hungriness of a poor this is one among the best opportunity for us from Allah swt to help poor and needy ones by different means and ways, as we know that in this month our every deed is being doubled by the rewards from Allah (swt).

True Muslims are always sad when Ramadan ends as it is such a glorious month full of rewards and so sacred, however the beauty of it is that it ends with a joyous celebration of Eid ul fitrah. But unfortunately some customs of our society has changed the meaning of Eid by their disgusting, shameful and fictitious activities. Instead of that it is recommended to visit relatives, neighbors, poor and needy ones with the intention to make their Eid day happy as well by sharing love, care and wealth as well. But this year it would be not possible because of COVID-19 But it doesn’t mean to forget the neighbors poor and needy ones there are various steps and measures as well by which we can take care of them. Hopefully Government authorities will take some important measures to into the matter.

By way of conclusion It is recommended on Eid day to have a bath and do the breakfast with Dates. And say salat of Eid and the time for it is from sunrise to noon. It can be performed individually or in congregation, again keeping in view the worse condition it would be not possible to say prayers in congregation and would be better to avoid all other gatherings. Hopefully everything will be fine the InshAallah.

After that the matter of fitrah which is wajib and shariah has laid a great stress on it. Neglecting it is a great sin. The person who does not recite the salwat on the Holy Messenger and his progeny will never have his prayer accepted. Likewise If the Fitrah is not given intentionally then the Fating of Ramadan will come to naught. Ramadan strengthens Taqwa, which is the belief in Allah. So hopefully May Allah (swt) give us the strength to gain the wealth of blessings from this Holy month of Ramadan and save us from this pandemic (Aaamen)

The writer can be reached at javaidhossein10@gmail.com . (The views expressed above are the author’s own. Kashmir Patriot is not responsible for the same.)

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