by: Raashid Ul Nabi Khan
Pen is the most powerful weapon in the world, there are various roles a pen can play. There is a pen for king, politician, lawyer, doctor, engineer, teacher etc every one on this planet is using pen in one way or other.
In Islam pen got ultimate priority, be it decree of Allah which is mentioned in the Quran “And if all the trees on earth were pens, and the sea [were ink] with seven more seas to supply it, the words of God could not be exhausted.
Indeed, God is Mighty, Wise” (Quran, 31:27) or be it first revelation of the Quran ”Read in the name of your Lord who created; He created man from a clinging clot. Read, for your Lord is the Most Generous, who taught by the pen, who taught man what he did not know (Quran, 96:1-5)”.
The pen we use can be of any price, it can be of some rupees, it can be of thousands of rupees, some pens are made of gold and diamond , some are made up of wood, all of them have equal powers to attract the readers day in and day out.Pen strictly depend on purity of its writer, his chastity, honesty, truthfulness, dedication and determination. Those who hold pen in their hands must be on straight path, upright in character and must posses in depth analysis or knowledge.
Pen is one of the Allah’s signs, it is worthy to note that Quran and Hadith all are recorded by the pen, it definitely marvels all of us. some Hadiths regarding pen are absolutely wondeful,the first to write and study natural sciences was the Prophet Idrees,Mua’wiya ibn Al-Hakam reported: I said, “O Messenger of Allah, among us are men who write script.” The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “There was a prophet among the prophets who wrote script, so whoever writes according to his way is right.” (Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim) Al-Qurtubi said, “Idrees, upon him be peace, was the first to write
with the pen, the first to sew and stitch his clothing, and the first to study knowledge of the stars, their calculations, and their movements.”
As-Suddi said, “The angels and the deeds of the servants they record.” Others said, “Rather, what is meant here is the pen which Allah caused to write the decree when He wrote the decrees of all creation” For this, they present Hadiths that have been reported
about the Pen.
Ibn Abi Hatim recorded from Al-Walid bin `Ubadah that he said, “My father called for me when he was dying and he said to me: `Verily, I heard the Messenger of Allah say,(Verily, the first of what Allah created was the Pen, and He said to it: “Write.” The Pen said:
“O my Lord, what shall I write” He said: “Write the decree and whatever will throughout eternity.”),this is the power of pen surely the most powerful object on this planet.
Pen is mightier than the sword this all we know, writing is always priceless one who writes is the most responsible person in the world because through his writing there is a great impact on the society, so one who hold pen in his hand should always write truth and reject falsehood.we should always use pen for constructive purpose, it should be blended with positive thoughts always. Let us remember: one pen can change the world. Let us remember Ink of a scholar is more holier than the blood of a martyr. There is no doubt that pen is source of education in Islam, pen can put a man into the highest rank of human accomplishment.
Pen is used to record world history and its events. pen has ability to write down events in such a way that if one is hearing or seeing the events with eyes.Those writers are really blessed who use the pen to eradicate evil in the society, to refute falsehood and blessed are those writers who push their pen for truth, peace and justice. one thing is worthy to note that pen protect the rights of people,pen has power to spread knowledge. Pen can be used by the common man as well as elite both of them can push their pen to express their thoughts, their feelings and both can write down day to day events which are
happening in the society. Pen can be used by jurists also to dispense justice.It is clear pen can be used by anyone whether doctor, teacher or anyone else, everyone’s pen has its own significance, everyone’s pen has its own charm.Pen has power to change the society for better, there are thousands of writers who work very hard to use their pen for the betterment of the society.
No one knows the actual power of the pen until one uses it for the first time. we as students of Islam should use our pens to propagate the teachings of Islam in the light of Quran and authentic Hadith. My Dear brothers and sisters whenever you hold pen in your hand, hold it for truth, peace and justice.
Raashid Ul Nabi Khan Law Graduate, Masters in political science, B.Ed and Principal at Alamdar public school Bandzoo Pulwama.
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