Srinagar: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Saturday chargesheeted an accused in a case linked to a terrorist attack on a bus carrying pilgrims from in Katra. According to a statement, issued in its chargesheet before the NIA Special Court, Jammu, the agency has charged arrested accused Hakam Khan under various sections of IPC AND UA(P) Act. The attack took place on 9th June 2024, when unknown terrorists opened indiscriminate firing at the bus when it reached Kanda near Jhandi Morh. As per the statement eight pilgrims as well as the bus driver were killed and 41 pilgrims were seriously injured in the attack, aimed at unleashing terror among the general public and those visiting the state of Jammu & Kashmir for pilgrimage. “The firing had caused the bus driver to lose control after he was hit on the head with a bullet. The bus then rolled into a deep gorge, leading to the tragic deaths and injuries,” it reads. It added that the NIA had arrested Hakam after detailed investigations and examination of evidence. “Hakam had confessed to being part of the conspiracy behind the attack, which was executed by three terrorists with his active logistic support, NIA investigations revealed. Besides providing them with food and stay arrangements, he had helped the terrorists in identifying the attack spot, NIA further found. Further investigation is going on,” it reads—(KNO)
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