MLC G.N Monga talks about controversial issues

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MLC G N Monga says controversial issues raised by the current regime are bound to witness turmoil in the Valley

Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) Vice President and MLC G N Monga says that the controversial issues raised by the current regime are bound to witness turmoil in the Valley.

He talks to Wahid Bhat. Here are concerts of interview:

Though the Valley has once again witnessed uprising, how do you see such kind of situations in Kashmir?

It is unfortunate that the Government led by PDP-BJP has not been able to create the peaceful atmosphere in the state. The government is constantly raising controversial issues, which is bound to trigger such kind of situations because there is inherent contradiction between the coalition government. This further gives rise to pursuit of anger and alienation

 Congress was always seen extending it support to the government to normalize the situation. What Congress did on ground to normalize the situation?

If you look back right from the beginning, the congress party in the state has always tried to create peaceful atmosphere in the state. The party has also served people from city to towns to remote towns of the state. That is why you will find the congress party in every village of the state. In recent five and a half month unrest, the congress party has reached to people everywhere in the valley for creating peaceful atmosphere.

The separatist leadership have said that they are ready for unconditional talks. Do you believe that it is the right time for both central and state government to initiate dialogue process?

The congress party has always believed in talks. Every problem can be solved through a dialogue. The differences in the approach towards a problem can be solved by initiating a dialogue. There is no harm at this moment also, if the talks are to be started, India and Pakistan should start dialogue at the earliest and government should simultaneously start talking to separatist leaders.

How do you see the use of pellet guns in Kashmir, which resulted in blindness to several people so far?

The use of the force by the security forces during the recent unrest in the valley is unprecedented in the history of the Kashmir Valley. Thousands are blinded, wounded and near about hundreds are dead. The use of pellet guns has created a lot of damage. Every opposition party opposed the use of pellet guns even the judiciary has disapproved the use. The government should immediately provide assistance to the people who were blinded due to its use.

How would you react over issuing domicile certificates to West Pakistani Refugees?

I think this question should be put to PDP who lodiev in the deceit. When the congress party wanted to help WPR’s, the PDP in opposition at the time opposed the move vehemently. Congress Party always believed in solving the human problems through humanitarian approach Congress Party believes in safe guarding the interests of the people of J&K.

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