Kulgam: Expressing resentment over lack of basic amenities in scores of Kulgam villages particularly Tengpora Chanderkoot, JK People’s Party Chief Sheeban Ashai denounced continued governance failures on ground. Rubbishing present dispensation’s tall claims, Ashai deplored Government’s obnoxious chest thumping whilst local populations continue to suffer. He censured, “People of Tengpora Chanderkoot have to walk kilometres to fetch water, there is no access to safe drinking water. Due to consumption of unsafe water there is a constant threat of water borne diseases. Even though village is located only ten kilometres from main Kulgam town, road leading to the village is in abysmal-ramschakle condition. Local citizens are facing immense problems in absence of bare minimum necessities of life. Difficulties of citizens quadruple during winter months; women folk have to travel long distances to fetch water. Even in this age and time, Tengpora Chanderkoot village is yet to be fully electrified. There is immense dearth of electric poles and more than four dozen households suffer due to lack of electric supply. Same is the condition with Razloo Kund vilages which similarly grapples with lack of drinking water. Such scarcity of basic infrastructure, unavailability of services exacerbate hardships of common citizens. Ashai strongly denounced current dispensation’s continued failures to settle basic issues at grass roots. A Goverment which sells dreams of sea planes and metro rails is yet to fully electrify, provide drinking water to vilages across Jammu And Kashmir. Ashai advised present regime to focus deligenltly on redressal of people’s issues rather than engaging in political brownie points scoring and headline management. He expressed deep disgust over current state of affairs and assured residents of several villages of necessary mediation on behalf of the party. We unambiguously demand from Goverment of the day to expeditiously resolve issues of Kulgam villages especially Tengpora Chanderkoot and Razloo Kund so that problems of local citizens can be mitigated”. JK People’s Party leadership assured people of necessary cooperation in ensuring immediate infrastructural upgradation, delivery of basic amenities in Kulgam villages.

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