Kishtwar : A labourer died while three others were injured after a pillar of a bridge collapsed near the bank of river Maru Sudar at Yaniewan Tunder in Kishtwar district.
An official told that during the ongoing construction of a bridge at Yaniewan, a pillar of the bridge suddenly collapsed in which a labourer identified as Shabir Ahmed (29), son of Ghulam Qadir of Drubeel tehsil Mughal died.
He was missing when the incident took place and later was found dead, the official said.
In the incident, three other labourers sustained injuries, who were identified as Zubair Ahmed (19) son of Shabir Ahmed, Abdul Rehman (32), son of Ghulam Rather and Farooq Ahmed (37), son of Ghulam Mohiudin Rather—all residents of Kewath Drubeel Chatroo in Teshil Mughal Maidan Kishtwar—(KNO)