Inaugurates New Jammu Railway Division; hails connectivity milestones
Jammu: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday virtually inaugurated the new Jammu Railway Division, calling it a historic milestone in the development of Jammu and Kashmir’s connectivity and infrastructure.Addressing the nation during the ceremony, PM Modi, congratulated the people of Jammu and Kashmir, saying, “Integration of J&K into the national railway network is a monumental step towards transforming Indian Railways into a global leader in efficiency, speed, and passenger experience.”“The Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Link (USBRL) project is a landmark achievement that demonstrates India’s engineering excellence.”Highlighting the feats of modern engineering, he said, “India’s first cable-stayed rail bridge, the Anji Khad Bridge, and the iconic arch bridge over the Chenab River—the world’s highest railway bridge—are marvels that are making waves globally.”
The Prime Minister emphasized that the new Jammu Railway Division would not only benefit the people of Jammu and Kashmir but also extend its advantages to Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, and Ladakh.PM Modi described the inauguration as a symbol of India’s collective progress under the vision of “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas,” filling colors in the dream of ‘Vikshit Bharat’ (Developed India).
“To achieve Vikshit Bharat, it is essential to develop Indian Railways,” he said, adding that the past decade has witnessed a transformational change in railway infrastructure modernization, enhanced connectivity, and improved facilities for passengers.He stated that the government has laid more than 30,000 kilometers of new railway tracks in the last 10 years, nearing 100% electrification, compared to just 35% in 2014. Additionally, he noted that the country has eliminated all manual crossings on broad-gauge tracks.
“Today is a big day for new-age connectivity. It shows that the entire nation is moving forward together,” PM Modi remarked.The Prime Minister stressed that new railway divisions, terminals, and modernized stations are creating unprecedented opportunities for trade, business, and employment.“The development of railways is creating lakhs of job opportunities.
In the last 10 years, lakhs of youth have been employed in the railways, and initiatives like Gati Shakti University will further enhance the workforce’s skillset,” he said.Referring to the strides in high-speed train services, PM Modi noted that more than 50 Vande Bharat trains are now operational, connecting long distances in shorter times and setting a benchmark for modern Indian trains.
“The time is not far when bullet trains will traverse across the country, making railway journeys memorable,” he added.The Prime Minister also lauded India’s expanding metro network, which has grown from just 5 cities in 2005 to 21 cities today, with over 1,000 kilometers of operational tracks.Stressing the importance of indigenous development, PM Modi said, “Under the ‘Made in India’ initiative, railway stations are being modernized, and high-speed train corridors are being developed.
This will ensure India leads from the front in connectivity and infrastructure.”He reiterated the government’s commitment to making Indian Railways the backbone of a developed and self-reliant India, saying, “This is not just about connectivity but also about fulfilling aspirations and creating a better future for millions.”—(KNO)
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