India all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja imitated actor Allu Arjun’s popular dance move from the recent hit movie ‘Pushpa’ after taking a wicket against Sri Lanka in the opening T20I of a three-match series, in Lucknow on Thursday. Jadeja, who was making his international return after sitting out in recent months due to injury, dismissed Sri Lanka batter Dinesh Chandimal in the 10th over of the visitors’ innings. Jadeja proceeded to celebrate the wicket with a dance move popularised by Allu Arjun from the ‘Srivalli’ song in the movie Pushpa. Videos of Jadeja’s move went viral on social media and former India cricketer Murali Kartik, who was in the commentary box at that time even termed him as “Ravindra Pushpa.”
Jadeja Celebrates Wicket With Allu Arjun Move, Earns “Ravindra Pushpa” Tag
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