In light of increase in social crimes in Srinagar district, Tenant verification process made mandatory. All requested to do tenant verification within one week

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DM Srinagar has issied an order making it mandatory for landlords/Property dealers to verify the identity of their tenants.

According to the order Srinagar police has reported that Srinagar being a capital city, a good number of people from other places are putting up in the District Srinagar in the rented accommodation;

Recently multiple incidents of social crime including theft / burglary has revealed that the persons involved in such activities have been staying as tenants In Srinagar city which poses a danger to the ordinary Citizens;

On April, 3rd, 2023 an incident of immoral trafficking came to the fore in the Bagh-I-Mehtab area of Srinagar city falling within the jurisdiction P/S Chanapora. During the preliminary investigations it has been divulged that accused persons hail from outside of District Srinagar and had hired a private house in the said area. Further, the house-owner, where the illicit racket was busted, had not conducted tenant verification and whereas, the surfacing of the racket has evoked outrage among the public circles having a tendency to become a law and order issue thus necessitating putting in place measures for stopping such illicit / immoral activities;

Therefore there is an imminent need to conduct verification of tenants staying in rented accommodations in various parts of the city as there have been instances of social crimes and illicit activities; it is necessary that some steps are taken to make the landlords, property owners accountable before renting out or making available their premises to tenants, so that such the criminals / anti-social /anti-national elements in the guise of tenants do not succeed in Commission of crime in the Community.

Failure to do tenant verification will lead to FIR under section 188 of IPC & other sections.

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