Srinagar: Police on Saturday said that in compliance with the directions of the Sessions Court, Anantnag Police, under the supervision of a duly constituted committee, destroyed a significant quantity of seized contraband substances in accordance with Section 52A of the NDPS Act.
In a statement the police said that the committee overseeing the destruction included SSP Anantnag, DySP ANTF, DySP CI, DySP Headquarters Anantnag, and DySP DAR Anantnag.
The process was carried out at Kashmir Health Care System, Lassipora, adhering strictly to legal protocols and environmental safety standards.
The police spokesman further stated that the contraband substances destroyed were seized from Police Stations Pahalgam, Aishmuqam, Srigufwara, Mattan, Larnoo, and Kokernag.
The items included:Poppy Straw/Fukki :155.37 Kgs, Charas Powder/Bung Boosa: 99.022 Kgs, Codeine Phosphate : 64 bottles, Liquor : 889 bottles, Trimodal Tablets : 140 tabletsAnantnag Police reaffirms its unwavering commitment to eradicating the drug menace and promoting a drug-free society.
Citizens are encouraged to support this mission by reporting any drug-related activities to the nearest Police station, reads the statement.(GNS)
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