With 337 candidates, including 19 women in the fray, BSP is contesting from 42 seats, BJP– 68, CPI– 3, CPI (M)– 14, INC– 68, NCP– 2, SP– 2, Swabhiman Party– 6, Lok Gathban Party– 6, Rashtriya Azad Manch– 4, Nav Bharat Ekta Dal– one, Bhartiya Himachal Jan Vikas Party– one, All India Manavadhikar Rajnaithik Dal– one, Bahujan Mukti Party– one, All India Forward Bloc– two, Samaj Adhikar Kalyan Party– two, Janral Samaj Party– one and Rashtravadi Pratap Sena on one seat and Independent 112 seats.
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