Flood Relief Scam: SVC directs SDM Srinagar to appear

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SRINAGAR : The State Vigilance Commission has directed Sub-Divisional-Magistrate (SDM), Srinagar to appear personally before the Commission on 14-02-2017 in connection with alleged large scale irregularities and corrupt practices committed in distribution of flood relief by Revenue officials in league with some private persons.

According to the handout issued, the complainant has also been ordered to remain present on next date of hearing before the Commission.

Statement of State Vigilance Commission said that earlier, the Commission received a complaint from one namely Hafeeza Bano R/o Kursoo, Padshahibagh, Srinagar, stating therein that complainant being a widow, was in possession of a three storied house falling under khasra No.749 min, Kewat No.247 at Kursoo, Padshahibagh, Srinagar which got damaged in September, 2014 floods for which she was entitled to relief from the Government.

It adds, owing to mala-fides of Revenue officials who in abuse of their official powers indulged in conspiracy with each other and with some locals with the intention to confer undue benefit to some persons, prepared wrong and false list of flood victims fraudulently and managed to forward the same to higher authorities for approval.

Considering the prayer of the victim (complainant) made before the Commission and gravity of allegations levelled against some responsible officers/officials of the Revenue Department, the Commission sought a detailed report from Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar in light of allegations leveled.

The report submitted by the Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar prima-facie revealed that the revenue officials of area concerned instead of making a proper and in -depth enquiry before framing list of flood victims and about the real title and ownership of properties damaged in flood, merely relied upon superficial statements of some irresponsible locals who not only mislead the officials but, resulted in distribution of relief to undeserved families.

Taking strict note of Omissions and Commissions by the Revenue authorities who have failed to perform their legitimate duties fairly and honestly while distributing flood relief in the Srinagar city,  the  State  Vigilance Commission has  summoned the Sub-Divisional-Magistrate, Srinagar on 14 -02-17 to explain the irregularities.

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