SRINAGAR: President Doctors Association Kashmir (DAK) Dr G M Kashmir in a press release issued has said the present increase in the number of upper respiratory tract infection in children from past two weeks is due to the change in season and parents need not to panic unnecessarily.
Dr Muhammad Salim Khan, Head of Department, Preventive and Social Medicine (PSM), Government Medical College(GMC),Srinagar further added that Kashmir, being climatically different from rest of India and these upper respiratory tract infection are common during this part of the season.
He said that we should follow the golden rule during this period i.e., prevention is better than cure. He further added that we should follow the universal precautions like covering the mouth and nose with a handkerchief while coughing or sneezing and avoid visiting crowded places unnecessarily.
He also advised the parents that they must keep their children away from those with infectious illnesses while playing with friends in the neighborhood or at school. He further said that self-medication should be avoided and one should maintain a distance of minimum 1 meter from the infected person in order to prevent spread.
Dr Suhail Naik, noted pediatrician and executive member of DAK said that parents need not to worry unnecessarily as these are viral upper respiratory tract infections which are very common during this time of the year, especially in children. High grade fever, congestion of nose and throat, cough, muscular pain and sometimes abdominal pain are usually the common symptoms. Patients may or may not have all of these symptoms.
He also said that hydration should be well maintained by giving hot beverages like “kehwa” etc and bed rest for a couple of days would be better which can also help to prevent the spread of infection at school. “These can be managed well at all Primary Health Center (PHC), Sub district or District level hospitals”, he added.
Dr Nasir Shams, Consultant Physician specialist and Executive Member of DAK said that it’s a seasonal flu and there is no need to panic. He further said that this spring we are encountering a usual seasonal flu with viral etiology though with probable genomic alterations and intense clustering of cases. Despite rise in no of cases it is mostly mild in presentation and settles within five to seven days with minimal drug therapy. Admissions in hospitals are needed in less than 1% cases that too with co morbidities like Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (COPD), elderly or immune compromised. Patients should take fluid, and hygiene and antipyretics (prescribed by doctor) remain corner stones of treatment.
DAK appeals the general public, not to get panicky as this is due to seasonal variation and will pass off in a couple of weeks. DAK is monitoring the situation and any effect thereof will be issuing periodic health advisories for the general public.