DGP sanctions scholarship for 60 meritorious wards of Police personnel

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SRINAGAR: With an aim to harness talent of the wards of police personnel, J&K Police sanctions scholarships for meritorious police wards, who excel in the field of education. Such scholarships are provided for securing eighty percent and above marks in class 10th or 12th for each academic session at different rates.

As a part of this welfare measure, Director General of Police Shri Dilbag Singh sanctioned rupees three lakh scholarship for sixty wards of serving police personnel. The wards have secured eighty per cent and above marks in 10th  class during the academic session 208-19.

Rupees six thousand each have been sanctioned in favour of 30 wards for securing above ninety per cent marks in the examination. Similarly rupees four thousand each have been sanctioned in favour of the wards who have secured above eighty and below ninety per cent marks in the said examination.

 Fifty two students including twenty seven girls, who have been benefited, are wards of lower subordinates and eight wards belong to non-gazetted officers of the force.

Under the scheme, scholarships were provided for meritorious wards of non gazetted personnel and lower subordinates including followers and SPOs. In the recent 14th meeting of Central Police Welfare Committee which was held at PHQ in June this year, it was decided to extend the benefit of the meritorious scholarship for the wards of gazetted officers also. (PTK)

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