Desist from military adventurism: Mirwaiz to India-Pakistan

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SRINAGAR : Expressing serious concern  and anguish over the escalation in violence between India and Pakistan on the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir, resulting in civilian and soldiers deaths on both sides and great hardships for those living near the line of control ,APHC’s incarcerated chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq  asked the leadership of both countries to desist from military adventurism ,the consequences of which are directly borne by the people of Jammu and Kashmir on both sides  and poor soldiers ,and instead show maturity   to peacefully resolve the issue and put an end to the conflict raging in the region  for the past 70 years.

In a statement Mirwaiz, who is under house arrest for the past one month said the root cause of tension violence and bitterness between the two nuclear neighbors is the  lingering Kashmir dispute .

Mirwaiz said while the situation at LOC is war like, it is no different in Kashmir itself which has been declared a war zone witnessing relentless killing of youth and civilians arbitrary arrests and harassment of young boys and subjecting them to torture, imposition of curfews and restrictions raids and vandalizing of homes and persecution and caging of resistance leadership by the forces and police who enjoy  unbridled power and zero accountability.

The APHC chairman said that until both countries show a will to resolve the issue innocent lives will continue to be lost and Kashmiris will continue to suffer.

Mirwaiz said New Delhi has to shun its military approach in dealing with the people of Kashmir and both India and Pakistan have to initiate serious steps towards resolving the basic dispute of Kashmir. He said by denying the reality of the dispute as New Delhi insists upon, the dispute will not go away. Genuine struggles like in Kashmir that have a historical and democratic basis have to be engaged with and people’s will and sentiments respected.

Mirwaiz stressed that in present day world wars do not resolve issues, nor does repression. Dialogue and serious engagement are the means to be employed to move forward  towards resolution .Mirwaiz said if India relents its  rigidity it is high time that all the three stakeholders to the dispute India, Pakistan and most importantly the people of Kashmir get together and deliberate and resolve the dispute keeping the will and aspirations of the people of Kashmir in view, once for all.

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