Crack Down on Tableghi Jamaa : “Media and Islamophobia”

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By : Arshad Askari

Islamophobia in the media alludes to the event or recognition that news sources will in general spread Muslims or Islam-related themes in a negative light. Islamophobia is characterized as “Extreme aversion or dread of Islam, particularly, as a political power; threatening vibe or preference towards Muslims.

Islamophobia and hostile to Muslim prejudice is a reality in the twenty first century similarly as it has been before. While Runnymede report of 1997 initially presented the term Islamophobia, Edward Said had just sharpened the world to the “othering “of Arabs and Muslims in his fundamental work, Orientalism (1978). Also, in Covering Islam (1981), Said scrutinized the objectivity of the western media in covering Islam and Muslims.

A few analysts point to the Iranian Revolution in 1979 as a beginning stage for Islamophobia in the United States. It might be because of the developing impact of political Islam around a similar period. In his book, The Modern Middle East, writer Mehran Kamrava noticed that the “ascent in the notoriety and spread of political Islam can be followed to the 1980s and significantly prior, when a general pattern in the politicization of Islam started clearing over the Middle East after the Arab ‘triumph’ in the 1973 War and the accomplishment of the Iranian unrest.

As per Nathan Lean, editorial manager in-head of Aslan Media and a scientist at Georgetown University, the media assumes a significant job in advancing Islamophobia over the world.

In 2018, The Washington Post finished an investigation to analyze papers’ inclusion of Muslims contrasted with Catholics, Jews, and Hindus.This study found that 78% of the considerable number of articles that referenced “Muslim” or “Islam” were negative in correlation “with just 40 percent of those about Catholics, 46 percent about Jews, and 49 percent about Hindus

In 2009, Mehdi Hasan in the New Statesman scrutinized Western media for over-detailing a couple of Islamist fear based oppressor episodes however under-revealing the a lot bigger number of arranged non-Islamist psychological oppressor assaults completed by “non-Irish white people.

Islamophobia happens to be something that made these organizations parcels and heaps of cash,” especially the western media and some Indian news channels. Lawmakers have likewise utilized enemy of Muslim talk to reinforce their prevalence among voters, which at that point takes off via web-based networking media.

Coronavirus episode at Tablighi Jamaat in Delhi spikes Islamophobia in India. This has snowballed into outrage against Muslims in India, with some news channels and web-based social networking posts proposing they were the principle transporters of Covid-19.

Sonia Sarkar writes in her article on “the current week in Asia” that “hazifa Sheikh, a homemaker in Greater Noida in India’s Uttar Pradesh state, was out of nowhere overwhelmed with hostile to Muslim messages via web-based networking media on Tuesday morning. A portion of these called Muslims “unskilled” while others named them as “transporters” of the coronavirus contamination. Befuddled about the explanation behind these Islamophobic messages, she looked at a news site and found that 24 Muslims who as of late went to an occasion sorted out by preacher bunch Tablighi Jamaat had tried positive in New Delhi.

“The whole network turned into the objective of conservative promulgation apparatus,” Sheikh said. “Just by and by.”Straight from riots in Delhi, habitual pettiness has prompted new episodes of shared disdain via web-based networking media.

While head of Tablighi jamaat in India loudly challenge such allegations and stated, that Targeting the Tablighi Jamaat and disregarding the greater and progressively flippant social affairs adds up to playing filthy legislative issues and common polarization.

Another English news paper “The print” threatens Muslims in an article, Dear Muslims, Tablighi Jamaat carried out an unspeakable atrocity. Try not to guard them. I am not empowering Islamophobia, it is a bias that needs wild resistance yet in the event that this isn’t plain ineptitude for the sake of Allah, at that point what is?

Shockingly, India’s ‘dissidents’ including on-screen characters, columnists and creators hush up on this. They have just attempted to whitewash the Jamaat’s doing by bringing up the escape clauses of the legislature and the organization. This whole disaster, caused exclusively to lecture Islam, doesn’t appear to involve worry for them. Amusingly, if such flippancy was appeared by some different strict gathering in the nation, similar nonconformists would have criticized it.

If we review hundreds of newspapers and news channels across india and we found hundreds of incidents in different states where different religious groups other than muslims come out and break lockdown or in another incident which was happened in the heart of capital  Anand vihar Delhi were thousands of workers came out and break lockdown but no FIR was logged aginst them. Then why only Muslims face such type of discrimination in india.

In these conditions Muslims should aside their distinction and work together for the solidarity as it is righlty referenced in quraan and Hadith. Muslims should cooperate towards a shared objective set by the Quran and appeared by the Prophet (PBUH). They are siblings and sisters since they are fortified by the regular philosophy of the solidarity of God and the solidarity of mankind.

” Hold quick, every one of you together, to the Rope of Allah (for example this Quran), and be not isolated among yourselves”.

Muslims should cooperate towards a shared objective set by the Quran and appeared by the Prophet (PBUH). They are siblings and sisters since they are reinforced by the regular philosophy of the solidarity of God and the solidarity of mankind.

إِنَّ الَّذِينَ فَرَّقُوا دِينَهُمْ وَكَانُوا شِيَعًا لَّسْتَ مِنْهُمْ فِي شَيْءٍ ۚ إِنَّمَا أَمْرُهُمْ إِلَى اللَّـهِ ثُمَّ يُنَبِّئُهُم بِمَا كَانُوا يَفْعَلُونَ

Concerning the individuals who split their religion and break into factions, thou hast no part in them at all: their issue is with God. He will at last come clean with them of all that they did.

وَلَا تَكُونُوا مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ ; مِنَ الَّذِينَ فَرَّقُوا دِينَهُمْ وَكَانُوا شِيَعًا ۖ كُلُّ حِزْبٍ بِمَا لَدَيْهِمْ فَرِحُونَ

What’s more, be not ye among Mushrikeen (the individuals who get divine beings together with God), – i.e., the individuals who split up their Religion, and become Sects, – each gathering cheering in that which is with itself!

Muslims are required to be tolerant towards one another (48:29) and resemble the body where if any part harms the entire body should feel the agony (Hadith). In any case, would we say we are Muslims rehearsing this order of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH)? Muslims and different Islamic associations are trying sincerely yet it is frustratingly clear that the above objectives are subtle. Rather than Muslims being joined in leniency towards one another, they are, in general, a long way from it. Rather than feeling the agony and wretchedness of Muslims enduring a wide range of persecution and oppression, a large portion of us are joyfully making the most of our material solaces of life.

Muslims should cooperate towards a shared objective set by the Quran and appeared by the Prophet (PBUH). They are siblings and sisters since they are reinforced by the basic philosophy of the solidarity of God and the solidarity of mankind.

Consistently that passes carries more demise and obliteration to Muslims, just at an a lot more extensive scale. It is tragic to see Muslim governments teaming up with non-Muslims to incur harm and enduring against individual Muslims. Numerous Muslim gatherings are additionally occupied with battling against one another in numerous pieces of the Muslim world. What’s more, in certain nations where Muslims are in minority, their condition is much more dreadful. As a minority they are deliberately being exposed to separation, mortification, abuse, torment, and assault. One miracles: is it ever going to end?

As a human being we must support those who are being oppressed by any person, institute, organization and system.

Dr Arshad Ali Askari is a freelance writer from Baramulla. He can be reached at jhonalidelina@gmail.com

(The views expressed above are the author’s own. Kashmir Patriot is not responsible for the same.)
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