Srinagar : A massive programme has been started jointly by Divisional Covid Control Room, Kashmir and Aids Control Society aimed to sensitize religious leaders about the steps need to be taken for controlling of Covid-19 pandemic in Kashmir division. A series of programmes, on the subject, have been organized at district levels where religious leaders were acquainted about their role in making people aware about this fatal disease and the precaution need to be taken by the people to avoid the spread of this deadly virus. Use of face masks, social distancing and frequent washing of hands are some basic precautions everyone needs to be adopted.
The subject matter specialists are being invited from different walks of life, including religious leaders, doctors and experts to speak on relevant issues related to COVID-19.
The Committee constituted by the Government at divisional level to monitor the pandemic, is meeting on weekly basis to review the status of the campaign started by the Government and share their views besides seeking suggestions from the members of the committee to make the programme more effective and relevant in fighting Covid-19 pandemic.
In charge Covid Control Room, Kashmir Division, Shrikant Ballasaheb is overseeing the campaign—(KNO)