Sumaya Jan
Srinagar : Amid surge in COVID-19 cases, health experts said the situation is turning grave and grim in Kashmir.
Consultant Surgeon of Sub District Hospital Chare-i-Sharief, Dr Abdul Rashid Lone has made a contingency plan where he has made various suggestions on how to contain the COVID-19.
Dr Lone said the situation is becoming grave with the rise in the number of COVID-19 cases.
“General public is fearless. Govt. is in the mood of relaxing restrictions. It appears we have failed to understand the situation and there is confusion,” he said in the plan, a copy of which lies with news agency Kashmir Indepth News Service (KINS).
He said J&K is situated in the extreme North of India and communication with the rest of the world is mostly through land root.
“Both aerial and land roots were closed for most of the time. In view of geographical location and severity of situation, several questions arise: Why number of cases is on rise in J&K at such alarming rate? Why cases and deaths are more in the Kashmir Valley. Most of the travelers have to come through Jammu?” he asked.
“Fault lies with the general public who do not follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), policy makers and enforcing agencies, and frontline workers or all of us. Situation is grim. Coming days are with catastrophe. It is imperative to wake up. I at my level can request the concerned to contribute their bit. My special request is for Doctors Association of Kashmir (DAK), Doctors Association of Jammu (DAJ) & Society of Consultant Doctors (SCD) to establish the committee of epidemiologists, virologists and other experts to set up required guidelines lines and try for their implementation,” he suggested.(KINS)