Coronavirus: Two siblings tested positive in Srinagar, toll 11 in JK

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Srinagar: Two minors were tested positive in Srinagar for deadly Coronavirus, taking the total toll to 11 with one death in the Valley, officials said on Thursday.

According to wire service—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Jammu and Kashmir government spokesman, Rohit Kansal informed through a tweet that two minors, both grandchildren of Srinagar positive case who was tested positive, have been tested positive today.

Kansal said that two siblings including including seven-year-old and eight-months-old have been tested positive today. Both are the grand children of Srinagar positive case who had arrived Kashmir from Saudi Arabia and was tested positive earlier.

“#COVID19 #JammuAndKashmir Two more positive cases in Srinagar. Siblings (7 years old and 8 months old)- grandchildren of a confirmed case from Srinagar with travel history to Saudi Arabia who had tested positive on 24th. Total number of active positive cases now 11,” Kansal tweeted—(KNO)

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