Anantnag: Jammu and Kashmir police have attached five residential houses and three vehicles worth over Rs 4 crore of drug peddlers in south Kashmir’s Anantnag district. In a statement, police said that the action was taken under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act.The statement reads that the houses belonged to Reyaz Ahmad Dar son of Mohammad Ramzan Dar, Mohammad Yousuf Reshi, son of Ali Mohammad Reshi, Subzar Ahmad Mir son of Sonaullah Mir, Mohammad Shafi Dar son of Mohammad Maqbool Dar, and Abdul Hamid Chopan—all residents of Anantnag. Vehicles include a Santro car belonging to Mohammad Shafi Dar, a WagonR owned by Manzoor Ahmad Mantoo, and a Toyota Corolla—(KNO)
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