Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir police on Tuesday said that the terrorist killed in the ongoing encounter in the upper reaches of Dachigam was involved in a terror attack in Ganderbal’s Gagangir in which seven civilian were killed. In a post on X, Kashmir zone police, informed that a terrorist, identified as Junaid Ahmad Bhat has been killed in the ongoing encounter. Police said that Bhat was an A category terrorist of Lashkar-e-Toiba outfit and was involved in the killing of civilians in Ganderbal’s Gagangir and other terror attacks. A doctor and six construction workers were killed in a terror attack on a construction site in Gagangir area on October 20 this year. “In the ongoing operation, one terrorist is killed and has been identified as Junaid Ahmed Bhat (LeT, Category A). The said terrorist was involved in civilians killing at Gagangir, Ganderbal and several other terror attacks,” police said. It added that the operation is going on, and is being carried out jointly with Rashtriya Rifles and security forces—(KNO)
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