DODA: The Health Staff including Consultant Specialists, Medical Officers, Paramedical and other Staff of District Hospital Doda on Friday went on indefinite strike after the District Administration did not revoke the suspension order of Consultant Surgeon Dr Rakesh Kumar.
As per reports, District Development Commissioner DDC Doda has suspended Consultant Surgeon DH Doda Dr Rakesh Kumar vide his office order No DCD/PA/17/2252-56 dated 07/04/2017 over some allegations which is not mentioned in the suspension order.
Speaking on the occasion one of the Sr Doctor of DH Doda said that all the allegations leveled against Dr Rakesh Kumar are totally baseless, false, concocted, adding that some vested elements are trying to tarnish the image of said doctors.
The Staff of DH Doda termed Dr Rakesh Kumar as very gentle man and a hardworking doctor who always remain sincere towards this noble profession and it was also said by the speakers that there has been never any complaint against Dr Rakesh Kumar in the past.
The Health Staff criticized the District Administration Doda of making a reputed and hardworking doctor as scapegoat and on baseless allegations and without conducting any enquiry, he has been suspended by DC Doda reason better known to him, narrates all the Consultants of DH Doda.
The Civil Society of Doda has also expressed their anger over the suspension of Dr Rakesh Kumar and said that the patients particularly for surgical stream are suffering badly because of his suspension and demanded immediate revocation of the suspension order of said doctor in the interest of patient care.
With this indefinite strike, patient care was badly hit today in DH Doda, however the situation seemed set to aggravate as the Doctors, Paramedical and other staff of DH Doda threatened to continue their strike till the revocation of suspension order besides the staff also threatened if order are not taken back by District Administration, it will shut down all emergency and critical care services also.
Meanwhile All JK National Health Mission Employees Association District Unit Doda and Chenab Valley Doctors Association have extended their full support with the striking staff of DH Doda and termed the suspension of Dr Rakesh Kumar as dastardly and heart rending, demanded the suspension order be revoked at an earliest and action against the complainant who leveled baseless and concocted allegations on the said doctor so that such kind of incident may not happened in near future. The NHM Association also added that targeting hospitals and its staff is completely unacceptable and a serious violation of humanitarian law.
It is important to mention here that as per Honble Supreme Court Order, no doctor can be suspended without a thorough enquiry.
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