Srinagar: All Parties Sikh Coordination Committee Kashmir APSCC Chairman Jagmohan Singh Raina on Thursday said that since fingers are being pointed towards the majority Muslim community with regards to atrocities towards a particular community since 1990 in Kashmir it would be prudent that the Prime Minister comes out with a white paper over the issue along with a separate white paper about atrocities carried out from 1947 to 1990.
“If anybody or any community feels annoyed with majority Muslim community in Jammu & Kashmir then I appeal to the Prime Minister to bring out two separate white papers on Kashmir crisis. These white papers should be on crisis in Kashmir from 1947 to 1990 and from 1990 till date. This would clear the doubts of people who wish to create wedge,” said Raina in a statement to KNS.
The APSCC Chairman has condemned the tools that are being used to defame Kashmiris along with Kashmiriyat saying that this does not augur well for the future of India. He said that the brotherhood and bonhomie that is prevalent in Kashmir gets damaged every now and then since silly movies are made on the topic.
In a statement to KNS, Raina said that since the Government of India has claimed that situation is normal in Kashmir then New Delhi should take all the necessary steps in this regard.
He said that since internet has been considered as an essential component in Right to Freedom of Speech by Supreme Court the same should be restored in full form in the entire union territory of Jammu & Kashmir.
“Due to restrictions on internet the normal life has been paralyzed in Jammu & Kashmir especially Kashmir. The affluent were able to move outside in order to file sales tax return or income tax return what about those who cannot do so. The gas companies had to move outside in order to transfer LPG subsidy to the customers. It means that situation is abnormal, but since the people at helm say that everything is fine then they should lift the ban on internet,” said the APSCC Chairman.
Raina, who has been in social service for the past four decades or so, said that people of Kashmir should be aware of the elements who wish to create trouble in the valley. He said that since Kashmir has suffered very badly due to the prolonged restrictions and shutdown the common masses should ensure that no further damage is done to the Kashmir economy.
The APSCC Chairman said that the economic condition of the people of Kashmir has been weakened due to the tumultuous political atmosphere, falling of untimely snow and frequent closure of Srinagar-Jammu national highway. He said the people associated with the tourist trade are living a miserable life and steps need to be taken at the societal level so that future of such people is secured. (KNS)