In two and half decades, 14024 civilians, 5273 forces personnel killed in J&K: MHA Annual Report

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Militancy intrinsically linked with infiltration, MHA, MoD closely monitoring J&K situation, multi-pronged approach against militants

Srinagar: The Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory (UT) has been affected by “militant and secessionist violence”, sponsored and supported from across the border, for more than two and half decades.

“Since the advent of militancy in J&K (in 1990), 14024 Civilians and 5273 Security Force (SF) personnel have lost their lives (up to March 31, 2019),” reads the annual report of Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) for the year 2018-2019.

According to wire service—Kashmir News Observer (KNO, the report said that the ongoing militancy in the State of Jammu and Kashmir is “intrinsically linked with infiltration of militancy from across the border both from the “International Border” as well as the “Line of Control” in J&K.

“The security situation in J&K is monitored and reviewed by the Governor/Chief Minister of J&K with senior representatives of the State Government, Army, Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) and other security agencies,” reads the report.

The Ministry of Home Affairs also monitors the security situation closely and continuously with the State Government and the Ministry of Defence.

“The Government of India in tandem with the State Government, has adopted a multi-pronged approach to contain cross border infiltration, which, inter-alia, includes strengthening of the border infrastructure, multi-tiered and multi-modal deployment along international Border / Line of Control, and near the ever changing infiltration routes, construction of border fencing, improved technological surveillance, weapons and equipments for Security Forces, improved intelligence and operational coordination; synergized intelligence flow and pro-active action against terrorists within the State,” the report states as per KNO.

It says that the Government has adopted various counter measures to neutralise these efforts and capabilities of militants to disturb peace in the State. “The Government has also encouraged policies to mainstream the youth, including providing employment opportunities to wean them away from militancy,” the report says,

“The endeavour of the Government has been to proactively take suitable measures by all the Security Forces to safeguard the borders from cross-border terrorism and to contain militancy.”

“The plan also entails to ensure that the democratic process is sustained and primacy of civil administration is restored to effectively tackle the socio-economic problems facing the people on account of the effects of prolonged militancy in the State, and to ensure a sustained peace process and to provide adequate opportunities to all sections of people in the State who eschew violence to effectively represent their view points and to redress their genuine grievances.”

The government has approved raising of following battalions for Jammu & Kashmir Police: five reserve Battalions, two Border Battalions, two women Battalions. Besides, the honorarium of SPOs of J&K Police has been enhanced upto Rs 12000/- per month in the following manner—SPOs having experience less than five years Rs 6000 per month, SPOs having experience more than five years and less than 15 years Rs 9000- per month, SPOs having experience more than 15 years Rs 12000/- per month.

To support the State Government level initiatives, the Central Government has been making available Central Armed Police Forces as and when necessary, and has been helping to strengthen the State Police, the report says.

“The Ministry of Home Affairs reimburses the expenditure incurred by the J&K Government on a variety of security related measures,” it reads. It said that these include expenditure on carriage of constabulary, material supplies, rent of accommodation, honorarium to Special Police Officers, Civic Action Programmes, air-lift charges, raising cost of India Reserve Battalions, transport, boarding and lodging, alternate accommodation for security forces etc. (KNO)


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