SRINAGAR : The use of polythene bag is rampant in the valley; no ban seems over its use especially in Srinagar where shopkeepers sell their fruits and other commodities in polythene bags which are non-degradable.
“The polythene bags are being used in every nook and corner. No one takes action over its use”, said Javaid of Srinagar who was buying a fruits at Batmaloo.
In 2015, more than 1000 kg polythene was seized by the state administration, but could not enforce the ban strictly on the ground. The administration speaks a lot about the awareness and punishment but the fact is that they have not been able to ban polythene even after so many years.
When asked stakeholders who are responsible they keep Srinagar Municipal Cooperation (SMC) for its responsible who have failed to take action against those who are using polythene in rampant.
Sources told PTK that there is a continuous import of polythene bags into Srinagar district from outside, and irony is this that the polythene bags are available at all street vendors and shops although the SMC checking is order of the day, no action takes place against any one yet. “They take bribe”, a senior citizens said.
Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Farooq Ahmad Lone when contacted said that,”I am in meeting you could contact me after an hour and dropped the call”.