Delhi: Two junior girls hailing from north Kashmir’s Bandipora district won gold medals in the ongoing National Sub Junior and Junior Kickboxing Championship 2018 being held at International stadium Talkatora in New Delhi.
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Mir Mannat and Laika Mushtaq won the medals on the very first day of the championship. Mannat defeated Punjab, Maharashtra, Telangana and finally West Bengal to win the gold. While as Laika defeated Maharashtra, Punjab, Delhi and eventually won gold medal by defeating Haryana.“It is a proud moment for the entire State,” said the Chief Coach J and K Kickboxing team Faisal Ali. “Kickboxing is flourishing and it is a big achievement that the girls are excelling in it. It is also a great inspiration for the empowerment of women,” he added.
A total of 50 participants, including 10 girls, are representing Jammu and Kashmir in the event, which will continue till August 31. Of these, 13 are from Bandipora only.
Earlier Two girls from Ali Sports Academy, Rabia Riyaz and Aabroo Bashir, hailing from North Kashmir s Bandipora district have qualified for the World Kickboxing Championship to be held in Argentina later this year.(KNB)
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