60 Candidates withdraw nominations, 388 in fray for phase-I in Anantnag

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Anantnag: According to District Panchayat Election Officer (DPEO) Anantnag, a total number of 464 nominations were received out of which 448 were found correct while as 16 were rejected after scrutiny for phase-I of DDC, ULB and Panchayat bye-elections, 2020 in Larnoo and Pahalgam blocks.
On 16th November, the last day for withdrawal of candidature as many as 60 candidates withdrew their nominations, leaving 388 candidates in fray for elections.
It may be pertinent to mention that out of these 464 nominations, 361 were received for Panch, 45 for Sarpanch, 41 for ULB vacancies and 17 for DDC elections.
After scrutiny 13 nominations for Panch, 02 nominations for ULB vacancies and 01 nomination for DDC elections were rejected. This left 348 nominations for Panch, 45 for Sarpanch, 39 for ULB vacancies and 16 nominations for DDC elections.
Moreover, 43 Panch, 08 Sarpanch, 04 ULB and 05 DDC nominations were withdrawn till the last date for withdrawal on 16th of November 2020. This has left 388 candidates which include 305 for Panch, 37 for Sarpanch, 35 for ULB vacancies and 11 for DDC elections in fray for phase Ist DDC, ULB and Panchayat Bye-elections for 02 blocks viz Larnoo and Pahalgam.
The polling for this phase is scheduled on 28th of November 2020 wherever it is required.(KNT)

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