5 Subtle Signs of Depression

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Despite the fact that depression is quite common and recognisable in someone, it can sometimes masquerade as something else and leave one’s behaviour questionable. The signs could be very subtle and if you know the person well enough, only then you’d be able to figure out the change, in their behaviour pattern.

Sometimes even though you’re close to someone, it’s difficult to figure out what the actual signs of depression are, unless you pay really close attention. And if you do figure they’re depressed, don’t waste a minute in getting them the right kind of help.

Here are some 5 subtle, yet vital signs to watch out for, if your partner or anyone else is in depression.

They Will Seek Solitude

Depression usually brings about solitude and people who are going through depression, would usually want to be left alone. They will stop going out and will limit their social interactions to minimal. This is because along with everything else, one loses the will to be around people and be themselves. While depression acts like another entity altogether, taking over their beings, it doesn’t allow one to be very social and people in depression slowly start to isolate themselves.

They Will Face A Lot Of Fatigue

Depression is quite exhausting and it takes a great amount of energy to complete daily tasks. That’s why most people facing depression will seldom get out of bed to complete daily tasks in hand. This is because depression is a difficult phenomena to cope with and once it has you in its grip, it makes every task seem like climbing a very steep hill. So if you see someone you’re close to, who is always fatigued and tired, you’d know this is one of the prominent signs.

They Will Lack Motivation

They will not be as motivated as they were, when they were in good health. If you see signs of tardiness in your partner, you will know that their will to do anything that motivates them, is lacking. A lot of people who are depressed also have trouble waking up in the morning as they feel bogged down with the depression and almost feel dysfunctional. You will see her lose her will to do many things that motivated her in the past.

They Will Not Be Sexually Active

A dry spell might not be a part of the normal dynamic of the relationship, so when your partner starts to withdraw, it’s not because she has lost interest in sex. It’s because depression takes away any feeling towards being turned on or even being sexually attracted to your partner. The brain is the sex organ and if the brain is shutting functionality down, it will obviously hamper one’s sex drive too. The neurotransmitters that communicate any sort of desire to the brain, are ineffective while the person is in depression, making them go through a dry spell.

They Will Not Care Much About Their Appearance

They will slowly stop taking care of themselves and following a healthy routine. They will either put on a lot of weight or lose weight due to overeating or not eating at all. If she stops dressing up, wearing makeup and taking care of herself in general, that’s one vital sign to look out for.

Depression can come in any shape and size and stay for as long as the victim will allow it to. The person going through depression may never know the signs or probably not recognise them, but if you know them close enough, you will see these changes well pronounced. So, if your partner or anyone else you know closely is going through these 5 vital signs, you know it’s time to get them the appropriate help they need.


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