Ganderbal: At least four persons were injured after a vehicle they were travelling in met with an accident on Wednesday at Gagangeer area of Sonamarg in Ganderbal district.“An accident took place near the Forest Checkpost at Gagangeer Sonamarg in central Kashmir’s Ganderbal district, when an Alto vehicle, bearing registration number JK16C-3386, skidded off the road and crashed into side stones, resulting in injuries to four passengers on board,” officials told.The injured passengers were initially taken to the Primary Health Center (PHC) in Kullan for immediate treatment, they said, adding that two of them identified as Irfan Ahmad Thakrey and Sahil Ahmad Magray were referred to SKIMS for further medical attention.The injured passengers have been identified as Momin Ahmed Magray (Son of Noor Mohammad), Irfan Ahmad Thakrey (Son of Mohd Qasim), Sameer Ahmed Shergojri (Son of Ab Gaffar), and Sahil Ahmad Magray (Son of Manzoor Ahmed)—all residents of Cherwan Kangan. Meanwhile, police have taken cognizance and are investigating the incident—(KNO)
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